Wednesday, November 21, 2012

'Tis the Season to be Blessing...

As Christmas approaches (yes, it is CHRISTMAS, not "The Holiday Season"), I've been thinking about blessing people.

But before we talk about that...

A lot of people are ticked off that Christmas stuff has overtaken another beautiful holiday, "Thanksgiving."

You know--that ancient and now-almost-forgotten holiday that was recognized so we could thank God for all he gives us. As Paul preached through the Holy Spirit, "...because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else" (Acts 17:25).

The invasion of Thanksgiving by Christmas advertising and decorating used to tick me off too. But now I understand. So many of us are so poor now (or stuff is so expensive, take your pick) that we have to start buying REALLY early so we can afford to give presents to those we love...

And those we like...

And those we secretly wish didn't live so close...


But back to Christmas...

A lot of people, at least in retail and in restaurants, will be using those tragic words, "Happy Holidays!" (Can anything be more empty and meaningless than that?)

And, in an attempt to give a Christian, uplifting response, we will say one of the following:

"Merry Christmas" (if you're a Christian, I hope you have the guts to say that).

Or, "God bless you."

...what does that MEAN, anyway?

I tried to look up the word "bless" from several sources. The Amplified Bible puts it this way: "Blessed (happy, to be envied, and spiritually prosperous--with life-joy and satisfaction in God's favor and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions) Matthew 4:3."

Wow. That's a mouthful.

Also, in verse 4, "Blessed [with a happiness produced by the experience of God's favor and especially conditioned by the revelation of His matchless grace]".

The American College Dictionary puts it this way: "Bless: to request of God the bestowal of divine favor upon; to protect or guard from evil."

A "blessing" seems to be almost a physical thing!

Take Esau in his famous rivalry with his brother Jacob for their father Isaac's blessing.

(Now hang on with me here--I'm going somewhere with this!)

When Jacob deceived Isaac and "stole God's blessing," Esau said this to Isaac when he found out: "Do you have only one blessing, my father? Bless me too, my father!' Then Esau wept aloud" (Genesis 27:38).

Isaac's blessing was more than good wishes; it was a statement of God's continuing substantial help!

A blessing is something real. A blessing can be "taken to the bank"--so to speak.
So, when you say, "God bless you," something substantial is happening for that person--because God loves you and you belong to Jesus! Isn't that something?
We need to say it that way.
We need to say it with intent.
So, bless people's socks off this Christmas season!
Here's some other ways to bless:
Do a favor for your parents or a friend...without them having to ask.
Stop rolling your eyes at the Salvation Army bell ringer and put some money in his bucket.
Help at a homeless shelter or community meal.
Leave a healthy tip when you eat out. 
Did you know that waitresses actually hate working the Sunday lunch shift? This is because--and I can hardly believe it--Christians are lousy tippers! Yes! I have read this from two sources! Some actually leave those little evangelism cards from the Christian bookstores as their tip! 
Oh, the shame!
The recognized tip in a restaurant now is at least 15 percent. These people need the money, because their tip is a major part of their pay. Many waitresses are single mothers. They have heating bills, too.
Let's get real; if you can't afford at least a 15 percent tip for your meal, you can't afford to eat out.
Wait for next week.
And if you're so mathematically challenged that you can't figure 15 percent in your head (like me) then guesstimate it in their favor.
[My cell phone actually has a tip calculator! Yeah! Does your phone have a tip calculator? I didn't think so! *insert superior smirk here*]
Back to the point...let's bless people's socks off--until they begin to say:
"I just love those Christians! They're the best tippers in the world!"
"I just love those Christians! They're always 'blessing' me, and for some reason things go better!"
"I just love those Christians! They're always helping people out!"
Wouldn't that be nice?
"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me" (Jesus in Matthew 25:40). 

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