Thursday, July 26, 2012

Gas Station Poverty

Were you ever too smart for your own good?

We all are...sometimes. Me more than others.

I was doing yard work Saturday and, knowing the heat would make my jeans feel like 10 kilos, decided to lighten them up. So I kept only my cellphone (necessary--like a heart pacemaker) and my keys.

And then I decided to mow the lawn. I found I was out of gas, of course. So, jumping into my little Saturn (the Silver Bullet) I went to the little Roann gas station with my red gas can. And found that I had no wallet. I had left it on the dresser. To lighten my jeans up.

So, at the pump, with the gas can ready, I have nothing to pay with. No cash, no card, nothing but my good looks. Which, even when I was younger, weren't worth much.

Happily I had my cell phone (necessary as a pacemaker). So I called Paul and asked him to bring my wallet. After I did so, a man on a moped pulled up.

I said, "You go first. I didn't bring my wallet and have to wait for it."

He said, "Here's some money. Get your gas," and handed me a ten dollar bill before I could refuse it.

I said, "No, my son is coming with some money. But thanks anyway," handing the money back.

He said, "No, it's okay, just get your gas!" 

Now, just to remind you, gas isn't cheap any more. It would take almost ten bucks to fill my little gas can. And this guy is begging me to take it!

As we talked a couple pulled up in a Jeep. I said, "You go ahead, I don't have any money, but my son is bringing some."

The young driver said, "Do you need money for gas?"

I said, "No, thanks, my son will be here soon with some money."

Now I have two people at the Roann gas station begging to give me money!

Partly to get away from these unbelievably friendly people, I walked to the road and began looking out for Paul's car.

The guy in the Jeep pulled up beside me on his way out. "Can I take you somewhere?"

Suddenly--with actual relief in the face of all this aid, I saw Paul's green Taurus.

"No, there's Paul's car!  He's coming now!" I said. "God bless you!"

I don't know if those two guys were Christians. I hope they were--they sure acted like it.

This taught me one thing: When a man filled with hate shoots up a movie theatre, remember there are good people in the world, and love still happens, and God is still on his throne.

Praise God!!

"When the foundations [of society and good] are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?
The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne."  Psalm 11:3-4

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