Friday, May 25, 2012

My Faith Story

What should I write for my first post? Hmmmmmm...
I know, I'll start out with my faith story!
What churches call your "faith story" is your most effective witness for Jesus. It has three parts: what your life was like before you met Jesus; how you met Jesus; and what your life has been like after you began to follow Jesus.
So here goes...
I met Jesus when I was six years old in a Sunday school class (I don't have much memory before then, except seeing stars as a toddler and calling them "wow").
After our Sunday school teacher led me to the Lord, I ran down the aisle of our very formal church and told my embarassed parents, "I'm saved!"
My parents were so pleased and happy that next week I got saved again!
Anyway, as a little boy I listened very hard to the pastor because I wanted to please Jesus and go to heaven. What I heard instead was fear.
I learned that if I borrow something and don't bring it back that was stealing and I'd go to hell.
I learned that if I told a lie and didn't go back and confess it that was a continuing kind of sin and I'd go to hell.
I learned...well, you get the idea. I was saved by God's grace, but from now on I'd better get it right.
Here's a little hint about the Christian life--nobody gets it right, ever. That's because even though Jesus has changed us, we have this twisted little thing inside that says, "I want now!" The apostle Paul called it "the flesh" or "the sinful nature".
That's why Jesus is our Savior--present tense. Because we always need God's continuing forgiveness. Always.
For many years after my recovery from that childhood crash I kept my distance from God. I lived a pretty "good" Christian life, but I didn't really have a desire to know him. I wanted to have fun, and I didn't think God was fun. Mistake!
Fast forward to age 48. God began to call me into his Word. I was working second shift in an aluminum foundry. About three nights a week, I began to read the New Testament for about five minutes and pray. Then I'd watch TV for an hour before bed. Now, if I were God, I would have said, "You can have that five minutes too!"
But God did an amazing thing. He spoke to me through his Word and prayer, and he taught me to recognize his "still, small voice." Jesus once said, "My sheep know my voice..." How true!
Since then life has been so rich! I can't begin to describe to you how fantastic it is to actually be in touch with my Creator, and how he is continuing to make me the person I always wanted to be.
Now I'm a preacher--but not for the pay. I preach because when you love Jesus, you have to do something for him. And this is it.
Do you know Jesus? He said, "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father but by me" (John 14:6). If you will accept Jesus, he will not only give you eternal life in the next world, he'll give you a purpose for life on this one.  Do it!

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